Tuesday, November 27, 2012

HW5:Actual Survey

Name: _______________________________
Year level/Course:  __________________________

Survey Questionnaire

1.)    Do you believe in Superstition?
(   ) Yes
(   ) No

2.)    If yes, what superstition do you believe most?
         (   ) Friday the 13th
         (   ) Spilling salt
         (   ) Walking under the ladder
         (   ) others, please specify:

3.)    What are the benefits of superstition to you?
(   ) It can help you to predict the future
(   ) You can know the good luck or real luck for you
(   ) You can prevent the bad things that you might encounter

4.)    Who is the person benefited in superstitious belief?
(   ) Parents
(   ) Students
(   ) Fortune tellers
(   ) All the people

5.)    Among the superstitious belief, what superstitions do you afraid most?
(   ) Breaking a mirror
(   ) Across a black cat on a street
(   ) Friday the 13th
(   ) Others, please specify:

6.)    Here in our country, which type of superstition do you think Filipinos always rely on?
(   ) Bad-luck superstition
(   ) Good or real-luck superstition

HW4:Survey Cover letter

November 28, 2012

Dear Respondent:

I am a student of Asia Pacific College taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. I am conducting a research study entitled Effects of Superstitious belief. The purpose of this study is to the effects of superstition in the daily life of Filipinos.

Your participation will involve by taking a look on it and give suggestions if you want, and it should be only take for ten to fifteen minutes. Your involvement in the study is voluntary, and you ,may choose not to participate or to stop at any time. The result of the research study may be responses in any published format.

The findings from this project will provide information on how I solve m6y statement of the problem with no cost to you other than the time it takes for the survey.

If you have any questions about this research project, please free to call me in my phone number at (0905)625-4993 or send an email, sbargana@apc.edu.ph.

By returning this questionnaire in the envelope provided, you will be agreeing to participate in the above described project.

Thanks for your consideration!


Shaira B. Argana
BSA, Asia Pacific College

Friday, November 16, 2012

HW3: Chapter 2: Discussion

              What effects those superstition have on the daily lives of the Filipino?

I-Definition and How Superstition Manifested In Filipino cultures
           Definition of superstition includes transfer from one person to another. Superstition defined as “belief in the direct agency of superior powers in certain extraordinary or singular events, or in magic, omens, prognostics, or the like”. Another is, it is the worship of a false god and goddesses or even false of religion. There’s a quotation says that “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing” by Helen Keller. 
One of this expert is Mary Worobec, better known as a woman of many superstitions. She is around the age of 80 years old. When I read the text of Warobec, I wonder that she used a well know superstition in her life. One of that is when she is preparing for her wedding, she fallowed the superstition that not allowing the groom to see her before the marriage and not setting the date of marriage on Saturday.  She grew up when superstition where plenty. Even though that superstition are very plenty that time, Warobec those not always rely on this superstition but rather she always believe in his creator Jesus Christ.
Another expert is Kelly Wall  has many superstitions since she is an athlete who grew up in a small town. She is 20 years of age. She studied at Elizabethtown College in eastern Pennsylvania. She has a dog and she loves it so much. She said that seeing a dog eating grass, that means it is going to rain or if a dog is howling for no reason then there are spirits in the area as well as if he howls three times then there was a death. Because of this superstition, I wonder that dog's bark, can be something else.
 Common manifestations of superstitions are the beliefs in luck, people wants to believe in any curses and some are in spirits . But why many people especially Filipinos wants to believe in this kind of manifestations. Believe in curses is a way of saying "karma". In any case you still have  choices and there are ways to reduce bad "karma" by doing good things. In superstition we never accept the fact that in superstitious belief, spirits are also exist. There are good and bad spirits, Other people says that they are always in our side, in everywhere but it is our decision if you want to believe in curse and spirits.
II-What Reinforces Superstitious Beliefs 

 A. Religion
      Every religion has their own superstitious belief and many of them are continuing to believe on it. Superstition affects the religion of every people. Religion and Superstition are against with each other. We all know that any religion do not want to have any superstitions because it says that it is an ignorance and fear. And if you have superstition, it is like that you do not believe to your own God. Based on my article not everyone who is religious is also superstitious and not everyone who is superstitious is also religious. A person can faithfully attend church services all their life without giving a second thought to a black cat walking in front of them. On the other hand, a person who completely rejects any religion whatsoever may consciously or unconsciously avoid walking under a ladder — even if there is no one on the ladder who might drop something. 

B. Culture
      Superstitions is also reflected in cultures. We say that superstitions exists because of our own culture, because of the traditions that always there and exist in our country. Superstitions primarily represent the underlying inherent fear of mankind, caused by the uncertainties of this world. In a way, it is a sign of acceptance of our ignorance and limitations of our power. In another way, it is a sign of accepting the grandness of this universe and its scheme of operation, which is still largely beyond our comprehension and understanding.
C. Media
    The reinforces of superstitions is also affect because of the media. Technology now a days is considered as one of the most powerful sources in our country. And as a writer of this research, I considered that media can affect the superstitious beliefs of many people. Like, Horror movies, it considered as of the powerful source why superstition exist here in our country. Like the ghost, spirits, white ladies and many kinds of supernaturals that always affect to our daily lives.  

III-Effects of Superstitious Beliefs
   A. Foolish Behavior
         In superstition we can't deny that many people believe in superstitious beliefs. They want to rely on every beliefs that they have and it is always their decision if they want to continue to believe and to rely on this different superstition. Foolish behavior can be one of the effects of superstition. Because of many people wants to rely and believe superstition, they become fool on it. Maybe it can lead them to be embarrassed, and to be stubborn of anyone. they become misinformation or become an unwise person. As writer of this blog, I don't want to happen this kind of situation to any body. I want everyone to know that it is not bad to believe in superstitions as long as you know the limitations in every superstitions that we have.

 B. Bad Decision
          Superstitions can bring us to bad decision. Why? Because in every time we believe in superstitions may it can bring us to bad decision. Sometimes, we want to continue our beliefs that we do not know what is the effect on it to our lives. Every people do  not want to have bad decision in their lives, they want to continue a better life. Bad decision can cause harm, can cause stubborn,and can cause unwise in every person. We want to have good decision and not bad desicion in our daily lives. 

 C. Anxiety 
          Based on my article, anxiety, like tension, excessive worry, trouble sleeping, obsessive thoughts and exhaustion are cause of superstition when we always rely and believe on it. Every person doesn't want to have anxiety because it can harm their body and their mind. Anxiety can affects the daily lives of Filipinos. Anxiety can cause because of bad decision that can also affect the daily lives of Filipinos. We want have a better life , so to prevent this anxiety do not always rely on superstitious beliefs.