Friday, September 28, 2012


Hello Bloggers!

              We all know superstitious beliefs are beliefs that are rumor. No one can say that this is true, it depends to a people if they believe it or not. In this article that written in my blog are one of many examples of superstitious beliefs that brings real luck. 

             According to the article: Superstitions Bring Real Luck, Study Reveals by Amber Angelle, cross your finger is one that brings real luck. One of her example is: The first experiment looked at the influence of the concept of good luck in a test of putting a golf ball. Experimenters handed participants a ball, and those who were told the ball was lucky tended to outperform those who weren’t. In another experiment, participants were given a cube containing tiny balls and a slab with holes. The goal was to get as many balls in the holes as quickly as possible. Again, participants who were told, “I’ll cross my fingers for you,” by the experimenter performed better. This example that I have link in this page

              In this article, believing in this real luck can improve some performances in different situations. But it is always depends to a people if they want to believe it or not. This belief can work or not. And for me as writer of this blog, nothing can be wrong if you try this and maybe if you try it, it occur.

"Cross Finger"

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